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Worship and Spiritual Life

Altar Servers


Children in our School and Religious Education program serve at the altar for all of our liturgical celebrations.  All who have received their First Communion are able to take part in this ministry.


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Art & Environment

This ministry enhances the church worship environment throughout the various liturgical seasons during the year. Volunteers are always welcome!  



Children's Liturgy of the Word

This ministry discusses the Sunday scripture readings in a more age appropriate manner with the kindergarten through 5th grade children of the parish during the 9:30 am Sunday Mass throughout the school year. 


For more information, please contact John McNichols at

Eucharistic Ministers

The Church has always celebrated and revered the Eucharist. In its early history the members of the Christian community did what Jesus told them to do – they took and ate and drank knowing in faith that this was indeed a sharing in the Body and Blood of Christ.


On January 29, 1973, the instruction Immensae caritatis was issued by Pope Paul VI. With this instruction, the diocesan bishop was given permission to designate lay men and women to distribute the Eucharist as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. It stated that “…this faculty may be used whenever there is no priest, deacon or instituted acolyte present, or when the ordinary minister is prevented from administering Communion because of other pastoral obligations, ill health, or advanced age, or when the number of the faithful is so great that, unless Extraordinary Ministers assist in the distribution, the celebration would be unduly prolonged.”


If you are willing to serve the people of IJP by distributing the Body and Blood of Christ as a Eucharistic Minister please John McNichols at


The Lector Ministry proclaims the Word of God, as found in the Sacred Scriptures, to the community of believers during the sacrifice of Mass and at other liturgical celebrations. This lay ministry is held in high esteem by the Church.  Before Vatican II only men who had been ordained to this Minor Order were allowed to read at Mass.  Since Vatican II the Church has allowed lay men and women to proclaim God’s Word.


For more information, please contact John McNichols at


Ushers are hospitality ministers of our parish. They assist our visitors, especially those who may not be familiar with IJP. In addition to greeting parishioners and visitors as they enter the church, their other tasks include finding seating for congregants, helping the disabled, passing the collection baskets during Offertory, ushering during Communion, and distributing the church bulletins.


For more information about this ministry, contact John McNichols at


The word Sacristan comes from the Latin word, sacer, meaning sacred. This sacred and essential parish ministry is most often work performed behind the scenes and yet it is very essential and for future celebrations of the Eucharist, which is the source and summit of our lives as Christians.


Participation in the Mass through service during the Mass brings us closer to the Table of the Lord. Sacristans serve the “servants of the Lord” by setting up the church, the sanctuary, and the altar before every Mass, Baptism, Wedding, Funeral and other parish liturgical celebrations.

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