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St. Veronica Parish
Infant Jesus of Prague, SS. Irenaeus and Lawrence O'Toole
Religious Education

Registration for Religious Education at St. Veronica Parish is now open. Please visit our website to download the Registration and Health forms. The completed forms can be dropped in the Sunday offertory basket, emailed to Leslie Newhuis, or mailed to the Parish Office: 1120 Douglas Avenue, Flossmoor, IL 60422, attn. Religious Education
Tuition for the 2023-2024 Religious Education program will be as follows:
1 child - $130
2 children - $180
3 or more children - $200
Sacramental Fees for First Holy Communion and Confirmation - $50 per student
Book Fee - $30 per student
*BIRTH & SACRAMENTAL CERTIFICATES REQUIRED FOR EACH NEW STUDENT-IF NOT COMPLETED AT IJP/SS Irenaeus & Lawrence O’Toole. If you have any questions, please contact the Religious Education Office 708-799-5400, ext.215.*